Covid-19 / Elena Quirici: "I go shopping for the elderly”
How are they doing ? How do they get busy ? What is their feeling after the end of the Olympic ranking ? How do they see their preparation for the OQT or the Olympic Games ? As more and more voices raise for cancellation, do they think the Olympics will occur ?
In these sad hours when Coronavirus rages more and more, many champions live from now on contained. We will keep you informed about them as much as we can, both in video and writing. Today, Elena Quirici of Switzerland, qualified for the Games.
By Florian Fournier
Photo : Kphotos
Retro 1970-2020 / 1975 : Long Beach, contact or non-contact ?
Held in Long Beach, California, the 3rd World championships of history are the first contested with the principle of touch. It changes everything ! Especially for European "warriors"... What way should Karate take, contact or non-contact ? The debate is launched for several decades. A first answer will be made at Long Beach, symbolized by the double disqualification of France’s Dominique Valera and the ensuing brawl. Japan, absent from the podium in 1972, places 3 finalists this time. Murakami becomes World champion. Great Britain wins in team.
By Ludovic Mauchien
Photos : DR / LM
Video / Kagami Biraki with Jacques Tapol
Jacques Tapol, 8th Dan, world champion in 1986, is never stingy with ideas. For 10 years, in his club in Paris, the Kikentaï, he has organized Kagami Biraki, a traditional event symbolically marking the revival. This year, 23 students braved the strike and the cold to live an unforgettable night. 4 training sessions interspersed with 2 hours of sleep on the tatami, a jogging and a break test to finish at 9 am…
By Ludovic Mauchien
Photo : LM

Retro / 1972 : France and Watanabe, the 1st non-Japanese World champions
Since D-200 of the Olympic Games, offers you to (re)live the highlights of sports Karate since the 1st World championships 50 years ago. From 1970 to 2020, from Tokyo to Tokyo. 5 decades rich in crazy exploits and incredible human and men adventures. Episode 2 : 1972, April 21. Paris, Coubertin. 220 fighters are ready to fight for these 2nd World championships in history. The Japanese are sure of their strength. Westerners are on the warpath. The first will be disillusioned, the second will laugh. Brazil's Watanabe becomes World champion by beating England’s Higgins in the final. France wins over Italy. Their training, their approach…
By Ludovic Mauchien
Photos: DR / personal collection
Video “Hajime !” / Stanislav Horuna : “Shotokan forever !”
His answers look like his Karate, incisive, clever, thoughtful and alive. Gichin Funakoshi or Mas. Oyama ? Rafaël Aghayev or Luigi Busa ? Kihon or Kata ? Kizami or Gyaku ?... Ukraine’s Stanislav Horuna, 4-time European medalist and 3rd in the 2014 Worlds, played the interview game “Hajime !”…
By Ludovic Mauchien
Photos : Kphotos / DR
Video Hajime ! / Serap Ozcelik : “Mawashi or Ura? ... Both ! “
12 competitions, 10 podiums, 6 wins ! Finally, the year 2019 would have looked like the previous ones for Serap Ozcelik, At 31 years old, the 2014 World champion (3rd in 2012 and 2018) and 4 times European champion, may never even have seemed so strong. World n°1 in -50 kg, Olympic n°1 in -55 kg, ahead of Terliuga, the Turkish champion appears as a great pretendant for a medal at the Tokyo Olympics. She answered the Hajime ! interview. Aghayev, Busa, Miyahara, Recchia, Ura Mawashi…
By Ludovic Mauchien
Photo : Kphotos
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