Actus 13/01/2020


With the absence of several national teams, including France and Japan, this SeriesA Santiago (January 10-12) saw the 1st success on the circuit for Alpysbay (-60 kg), Assadilov finishing 3rd, the comeback to top level of Cardin (finalist in -61 kg) and Uygur (-67 kg), who signs his 1st win since 2018. Note the wins in finals of Semeraro (-68 kg) and Alipourkeshka (-61 kg) against world champions Zaretska and Prekovic. For their part, Ozcelik (-50 kg) and Terliuga (-55 kg) continue their momentum with a new success. Poorshab and Ganjzadeh both won, which means a status quo in the Olympic race for the Iranians. All the results.


By Ludovic Mauchien

Photo: Kphotos


Thomas Scott of the US
Actus 10/01/2020


Almost all the top fighters are engaged in this 1st competition of the year 2020 which launches the last sprint towards Tokyo, whose 1st verdict will fall on April 6. To be watched in particular, the very close duels for the qualification between US Thomas Scott and Ukraine’s Stanislav Horuna, as well as that between the two Iranians Zabiollah Poorshab and Sajad Ganjzadeh.


By Ludovic Mauchien

Photo : Kphotos


Ayumi Uekusa wins the Grand Winner title for the 3rd time in a row.
Actus 05/12/2019


The new vintage is known ! The 2019 Grand Winners were announced after the Madrid Premier League last weekend (29 Nov-1 Dec). Ozcelik (-50 kg), Uekusa (+68 kg) and Sanchez Jaime (Kata) are laureates for the 3rd time in a row ! In all, 6 Karatekas retain the title, including Aghayev (5 podiums, 1 win). A year that has seen exceptional performances achieved by Assadilov (9 podiums, 7 wins in K1), Aktas (8 finals, 6 wins in 2019), Ozcelik (11 podiums, 6 golds) and Terliuga (5 wins, 6 finals out of 7 possible in Premier League).


By Ludovic Mauchien

Photos: Kphotos


Actus 01/12/2019

In this finals day, the Grand winners have been designated. Assadilov, Zaretska, Sanchez, Quintero, Ganjzadeh, Aktas assumed their role of favorites. On the other hand, this K1 madrid gave some surprises like thewins of Babaeva and Attia.

By Florian Fournier in Madrid
Photos : Kphotos

Actus 30/11/2019

The World champions Zaretska (-68kg) and Chatziliadou (+68kg) qualified for the final as the -84 kg n°1, Ugur Aktas. The surprise of the day comes from France’s Dnylson Jacquet who qualified for the final in +84kg.

By Florian Fournier in Madrid

Photos : Kphotos

Actus 29/11/2019

Two times world champion in -60 kg (2012 and 2014), Iran’s Mehdizadeh is back ! Physically and mentally on top, his karate shines all the day and qualified for the final in -67 kg. The big events of the day was the lost of almost all the favourites, especiallly in -75 kg. On Sunday, it will Logan Da Costa and Ainazarov who will fight for Gold. In -55 kg, Anzhelica Terliuga will not win again a K1 this year. But Assadilov (-60 kg) and Ozcelik (-50 kg) didn’t miss their rendez-vous ; THey are in the final.

By Florian Fournier in Madrid

Photo : Kphoto